Learn More about Who We Are and What We “Doo”

Now serving the city of Brandon!
Scoopy Doo loves dogs, which is why we donate to the Winnipeg Humane Society and D'arcy's ARC and provide free time and resources to the Manitoba Veterinary Association, the Winnipeg Humane Society, D'arcy's ARC, the Diabetes Foundation, and parks, community centres and green spaces in the Winnipeg area.
Alive in the community: Scoopy Doo writes canine health and welfare articles for various publications. Scoopy Doo is knowledgeable about canine health and welfare and is active in helping dog rescue organizations.
Scoopy Doo Canine Waste Removal Inc. is a locally owned company that was founded in 1995. We have provided "poo-fessional” canine waste removal to individual's yards, commercial properties, apartment and housing complexes, as well as many dog-related fundraising events.
Scoopy Doo is the official Pooper Scooper for the Manitoba Veterinary and the Winnipeg Humane Society’s Paws in Motion Benefit Dog Walk.

Professional Affiliations
At Scoopy Doo, we take our professionalism seriously. We are a proud member of the Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists.
Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists (aPAWS)
Gift Certificates
Be an original!
For a unique gift… give freedom from a dog owner’s worst chore: A Scoopy Doo gift certificate!
Christmas and Hanukkah
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
Moving? Welcome to your new home! We got this.